Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Handling ennui

Bought this plastic board that went on top of the computer monitor at home. The board’s front end attaches itself to the monitor’s black surface through Velcro strips. Two adjustable “legs” support the board at the other end, with small rectangular “feet” standing awkwardly on the monitor’s perforated body. The thing looked pretty stable. Placed several books and a stack of CDs, along with other knick knacks, on it after assembling the whole contraption and adjusting the legs. Was thus able to clear some space on the work station. Couldn’t imagine putting something liquid and hot on the tray though. Been wondering also if the design is earthquake-proof.


And then there were these latest book acquisitions. So late for this early morning meeting at an old hotel southeast of Manila, drifted instead to this secondhand bookshop in one of the city's newest shopping complex. “The Earth Has a Soul: The Nature Writings of C.G. Jung” edited by Meredith Sabini was to end up as the only purchase for the day. A prize catch though, and for only 140 piso. Google has uploaded portions of the book for browsing. The other book was John Keane’s “Vaclav Havel: A Political Tragedy in Six Acts”. Got the paperback edition from an earlier book-hunting trip. More expensive at 220 piso. Found out later it was an authorized bio.

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